Service Committees
+ Toronto Area Service Committee (TASC)
Toronto Area Service Committee (TASC) meets on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 10:00am. On long weekends and Mother’s Day weekend, TASC meets on the first Sunday of the month. This is a hybrid meeting (virtual and in-person).
Join the Meeting Virtually:
Zoom ID: 917 7520 2304 | Password: 1234 | Join Meeting
Join the Meeting In-Person:
CAMH - 100 Stokes St. , Toronto, ON - Second Floor
The purpose of this meeting is to administer and coordinate the activities common to the welfare of the Narcotics Anonymous Groups within the boundaries of the Toronto area, to support the needs of the Groups, to serve as a link between these Groups and the Ontario Regional Service Committee of Narcotics Anonymous, and to foster unity.
+ Activities
Meets on the 1st Sunday of the month at 10:00 am on Zoom ID: 833 8909 3861 | Password: 1234 | Join Meeting
The purpose of the Activities Subcommittee is to provide the fellowship with recovery-oriented events and activities in order to promote unity and carry the message of NA.
Activities Policies and Procedures
+ Clean Times Newsletter
Meets on the second Saturday of every month at 11:00 am on Zoom. All are welcome! Meeting ID: 974 9709 0212 | Password:12steps | Join Meeting
Read the Newsletter
The purpose of the Clean Times Committee is to provide a written message of recovery to addicts seeking recovery and to build NA unity through communications. We put out a newsletter once per quarter with articles from NA members and other NA news.
+ Helpline
Meets on the last Wednesday of the month from 6:10-8:00 pm Zoom ID: 961 671 44253 | Password: 1234 | Join Meeting
6:10pm Orientation for New Members
6:30pm Helpline Meeting
The Helpline Subcommittee is responsible for helping addicts and others in the community find us easily and quickly. The primary purpose of the Helpline is to get those who think they might have a drug problem to a NA meeting.
Helpline Policies and Procedures
+ Hospitals and Institutions (H&I)
Meets every 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6:15 pm Zoom ID: 720 630 0573 | Password: 1234 | Dial-in 647.558.0588 | Join Meeting
6:15 - 6:45 Speaker Orientation
7:00 H&I Business
The purpose of an H&I meeting is to carry the NA message of recovery to addicts who do not have full access to regular Narcotics Anonymous meetings. H&I meetings/presentations are intended to simply introduce those attending to some of the basics of the NA program.
Hospitals and Institutions Policies and Guidelines
+ Policies and Procedures (P&P)
Meets on the first Wednesday of every month at 7:00 pm on Zoom. All are welcome! Meeting ID: 828 7468 2599 | Password:1234 | Join Meeting
The purpose of the Policies and Procedures Subcommittee is to review, draft and offer guidance to TASC and all subcommittees in the development and application of procedural guidelines.
+ Public Relations (PR)
Meets on the 3rd Tuesday of every month, 6:00pm - 7:30pm Zoom ID: 842 7746 7703 | Password: 1234 | Join Meeting
For Meeting List changes contact
The Web Team is also part of PR and can be reached at
The purpose of the PR Subcommittee is to perform public relations services that increase the awareness and credibility of the NA program with the public at large, prospective members, and with professionals.
Area Subcommittees
Please check the calendar for up to date subcommittee meeting times
Technical Support
View these how-to videos for setting up and using Gmail and Google Drive (scroll down to find videos).
For further support contact
View all service materials and handbooks from NAWS for trusted servants, committees, and groups.