Narcotics Anonymous Literature

Our literature offers identification and a message of hope for many of us in our recovery. Written by our members, it is an invaluable source of help for NA members, those seeking recovery, professionals, and anyone interested in our program.

Ordering NA Literature

To order directly from the Toronto Area please complete one of the following order forms and submit to

PDF Version (updated March 2025)
Excel Version (updated March 2025)

Your orders should be submitted by 6pm on the 3rd Sunday of each month and they will be ready for pick-up at the next Toronto Area Service Committee meeting (usually the 2nd Sunday of the month). Please feel free to email us with any questions at

Order NA Literature Online
Order from NA World Services, Canadian Store (prices in USD)

Digital Formats
Book-length NA literature (in various languages) can be purchased online

Download NA Literature (no cost)

Information Pamphlets and Booklets (English)
NA World Services offers easy access to a range of World Service approved literature in multiple languages

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